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Gum Grafting

Restore your gum health and aesthetics with precise gum grafting techniques.

Introduction to Gum Grafting

Gum grafting is a surgical procedure designed to correct the effects of gum recession. It involves the transplantation of gum tissue to cover exposed tooth roots, reduce further recession, and improve the aesthetics of your gum line. This procedure is critical not only for enhancing your smile but also for protecting your teeth from the damaging effects of gum recession.

Benefits of Gum Grafting

  • Reduces Tooth Sensitivity: By covering exposed roots, gum grafts can significantly reduce sensitivity to hot and cold foods and drinks.
  • Improves Gum Health: Gum grafts help protect exposed roots from decay and prevent further gum recession and bone loss.
  • Enhances Smile Appearance: Gum grafting can make your teeth look less long and your smile more balanced and healthy.
  • Increases Tooth Stability: Covering exposed roots can help secure your teeth in place, increasing their stability.

Types of Gum Grafts

There are several types of gum grafts used, depending on your specific needs:

  • Connective-Tissue Grafts: The most common type, involving tissue taken from under the flap of skin on the roof of your mouth and stitched over the exposed tooth root.
  • Free Gingival Grafts: Similar to connective-tissue grafts, but the tissue is taken directly from the roof of the mouth.
  • Pedicle Grafts: Involves grafting tissue from the gum around or near the tooth needing repair, not from the palate.

What to Expect During the Gum Grafting Procedure

The gum grafting process generally includes the following steps:

  1. Initial Consultation: An examination to assess the severity of gum recession and discuss the best graft option.
  2. Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is administered to ensure comfort during the procedure.
  3. Tissue Harvesting and Grafting: Tissue is removed from the donor site and then attached to the gum area being treated.
  4. Recovery and Healing: Post-operative instructions are provided to aid healing, which may include dietary restrictions and oral hygiene practices.

Post-Procedure Care

Proper care after a gum graft is crucial for healing. Recommendations include:

  • Avoid brushing or flossing the grafted area: Until it has sufficiently healed to prevent disruption of the graft.
  • Eat soft, cool foods: Such as eggs, pasta, yogurt, and well-cooked vegetables during the first week after surgery.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise: For a few days post-surgery to minimize bleeding and swelling.

Schedule Your Gum Grafting Consultation

If you have receding gums and are concerned about the health and appearance of your smile, contact us today to schedule a consultation. Our experienced dental team can provide you with options to restore your gum health and enhance your smile.

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