Looking to transform your smile? Request a free virtual consult today!

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Here's how it works:

Fill out this form to request a virtual consultation.

Once we receive your details, Dr. Salo will record a video explaining how she would approach your smile transformation.

After you've had a chance to review the recommendations, you can schedule an in-person visit to discuss next steps.

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Restore your tooth's integrity with high-quality fillings that blend seamlessly with your natural teeth.

Introduction to Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are a common and essential procedure used to restore teeth damaged by decay back to their normal function and shape. By closing off spaces where bacteria can enter, a filling also helps prevent further decay.

Types of Dental Fillings

  • Amalgam (Silver) Fillings: Durable and are typically used in molars or other hidden areas because of their noticeable color.
  • Composite (Tooth-Colored) Fillings: Preferred for visible areas due to their natural appearance. They bond directly to the tooth surface.
  • Ceramic Fillings: Made of porcelain, are aesthetically pleasing, and are very durable.
  • Gold Fillings: Gold inlays are well-tolerated by gum tissues and may last more than 20 years, making them a highly durable option.

Benefits of Dental Fillings

  • Restores Tooth Function: Fillings allow you to chew properly and prevent further damage by protecting the tooth’s integrity.
  • Prevents Further Decay: By sealing the decayed area, fillings prevent bacteria from entering and causing more damage.
  • Improves Aesthetic Appearance: Tooth-colored fillings restore the natural appearance of decayed or previously filled teeth.
  • Quick Procedure: Most filling procedures are quick and involve minimal discomfort, with immediate recovery.

The Process of Getting a Dental Filling

The procedure for getting a dental filling typically involves the following steps:

  1. Examination and X-rays: Your dentist will identify the decay using visual examination and X-rays.
  2. Anesthesia: Local anesthesia will be applied to the area around the affected tooth to minimize discomfort during the procedure.
  3. Decay Removal: The dentist will remove the decayed tooth material using a drill or laser.
  4. Filling Application: Once the decay is removed, the dentist will apply the filling material, shape it to fit the tooth, and harden it using a special light if necessary.
  5. Polishing: After the filling has set, it will be polished to smooth the surface and restore the tooth’s original shape and function.

Care for Your Fillings

While fillings are durable, they require proper care to extend their lifespan. Regular brushing and flossing, along with routine dental check-ups, can prevent decay from forming around the filling and extend its life. Avoiding hard foods and not using your teeth as tools can also prevent fillings from cracking.

Schedule Your Appointment

If you suspect you have a cavity or have been experiencing discomfort in a previously filled tooth, contact us to schedule an appointment. Our dental team is ready to help restore your smile and ensure your teeth remain healthy and functional.

Schedule a consultation

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